I am trying to learn python, and I would love to get my hands on a simple python script. I am currently using just devices and just need something i can dim, turn on, or turn off.
The best way to do this currently is to use the COM interfaces, supplied by the SDK. Assuming you have the SDK installed properly, and also 32-bit Python with the pywin32 extensions, you should be able to start sending commands to your device with something like the following:
from win32com.client import Dispatch
ah = Dispatch('X10.ActiveHome')
ah.SendAction("sendrf", "a1 on")
That should get you started. Just look for other COM interface examples - they should work similarly in Python as in VB or other languages.
You might also find that some people have chosen to call the ahcmd.exe as a subprocess in order to get things to work. In Python, you can do this:
import subprocess
subprocess.check_call(['ahcmd', 'sendrf', 'A1', 'on'])
Hope that helps!