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Author Topic: MS10A Home/Away Mode modification  (Read 7312 times)


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MS10A Home/Away Mode modification
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:12:45 PM »

MS10A Home/Away Mode modification

I just bought half a dozen MS10A's to replace the old SP554A's I have used for years. They are wireless infrared sensors used with the PS561 Power House alarm console. The old sensors had a home/away selector that let them chime the console when it was in run two mode and not armed. This is a powerful feature just to be able to know when someone is in your home. It does not trip an alarm so when a family member goes in an unused bed room or sun porch to get something it doesn't set off an alarm but still lets you know someone is there. It actually foiled someone who entered our home through a locked back door but ran when they heard the alarm chime. When I checked they had fled. Exactly what I want.

The new alarm sensors (MS10A) do not chime the console. It makes them unusable to me. Does anyone know of a work around for this problem, even a modification to the unit. I know this would void the warranty but I need a solution to this problem.




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Re: MS10A Home/Away Mode modification
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 01:54:03 AM »

If you are using AHP you can accomplish this using a macro.

Set up the Macro, let's call it M1

When you select the macro menu and the + sign to add a macro, you will get a creen that lts you set the maxcro address (M1) and select the "trigger". Choose security. It will give you a drop down pick list of security modules. Pick the MS-10 you want as the trigger.

Next ove ron the right hand side select the "room" where the chime is you want to activate. Darh it into the little rcetangle for the modules to be activated when the trigger is received.

That is it, your MS-10 will trigger the chime. One catch, the computer MUST be ON and running for this to work.


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Re: MS10A Home/Away Mode modification
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 11:11:07 AM »

I removed the other 2 identical posts. Please do not repeat the same question in various parts of the forum... it has ZERO ability to give you a better reply than a single post.



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Re: MS10A Home/Away Mode modification
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 03:02:01 PM »

I have a sure fire work around for you. Buy them--I do have some of the older SP554A motion sensors for sale at:

They do have the NORMAL HOME/AWAY selector switch right on the sensors themselves like you mention. They do also chime the PS561 security system console if set in RUN 2 mode.
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