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Author Topic: 3.036 AHP and video  (Read 6483 times)


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3.036 AHP and video
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:49:22 PM »

1) what is the point of having video preferences that say you can overlay camera and time in recorded video, but when you record anything - the overlay image is never there.
2) what is the point of having three check boxes for file size in video preferences cd, DVD, and 10mb, but whatever you record is always three minutes and 73 mb - the settings are worthless
3) what is the point of setting a timer on a video camera to turn it off or on without being able to turn recording off and on with it also (at least I can't figure out a way to do it).

I certainly don't want to record 3 minute video segments without the overlay that I am supposed to be able to add to it and then have to deal with a interface that I can't multi-select to delete and not even have it display the right time mark when it is showing video. AHP is pretty good for the most part, but the video stuff really bites the big one at the moment.

dave w

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Re: 3.036 AHP and video
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 09:34:42 AM »

Great questions, however you do understand that from an X10 Inc. stand point they are rhetorical (?).
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Re: 3.036 AHP and video
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 10:27:24 PM »

Great questions, however you do understand that from an X10 Inc. stand point they are rhetorical (?).
I guess not because I thought I was buying a good product. If it can't so simple things like what x10 touts all the time, then it is pretty much wasted money.

might as well add a few more...

4) why isn't the time stamp info displayed with the playing video? It sits there not changing and the only idea of what time the period is due to the status box on teh left bothering to tell me what time period the video section covers.

5) where the heck is a fast forward or something to allow you to scan the video. Having to sit through an entire 3 minute segment is ridiculous. I did use ThumpsPlus (great program by the way by Cerious) to view the video of course sans any tiem stamps because x10 didn't have the forsight to name the file anything useful to a human.

Brian H

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Re: 3.036 AHP and video
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 06:17:52 AM »

Yes good questions.

Trouble is. We are a user to user forum. Where X10 pays to keep it running, but hardly ever participates in the threads.
Not to say X10 employees don't check in here. We just hardly ever see responses.


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Re: 3.036 AHP and video
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 07:01:22 AM »

Maybe Steve's point is that it is very suprising that a company like X10 doesn't realize that their hardware sales are directly linked to software quality. The better the software the better are sales for supported hardware. Although perhaps the markup is so great on hardware , they don't really subscribe to this thought process. This forum provides the best possible feedstock for software improvement. I'm sure everyone has a gem that they would like implemented, although this is not a practical approach. But is it too much to ask that at least the core functions of the software works? Based on many comments here, I'm sure they could pay for software improvements/fixes  if they had less frustrated customers calling for technical support and tying up valuable resources in that fashion. I smiled this week when the top X10 offer was a $69 camera security package. They highlighted that it was not new equipment but "refurbished as new" As the last chance offer went on for many days, I had to wonder where they got all that hardware....  returns?
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