Hi all,
I am new in X10. Recently I purchased SecuriLink SC1200 with the following accessories:
- Security Console (SC1200)
- Smart Wireless Security Motion Detector (MS18A)
- Smart Door/Window Sensor (DS12A)
- Socket Rocket (LM15A)
- Lamp Module (LM465)
- Smart Security Keyfob Remote (KR32A)
- Security Remote Control (SH624)
So far I do not have any problems using the security part. That is, motion detectors, door/window sensors, keyfob arm/disarm/panic buttons and security remote control home/away arm/disarm and panic buttons are working fine. At one point I programmed SC1200 with housecode=M, lightcode=8 and Lamp Module (LM465) being set to housecode=M, unitcode=8, the lights connected to this Lamp Module would work when pressing the Security Light buttons in Security Remote Control. I could not remember when it stopped working.
I had done the following experiment without any luck so far:
(1)Master Reset SC1200, set housecode=A and lightcode=1, Lamp Module (LM465) being set to housecode=A and unitcode=1. Connect table lamp to Lamp Module and press "1" and then "on" in SC1200 keypad. Table lamp would not turn on.
(2)Plug in Socket Rocket to the table lamp, follow instructions to activate the Socket Rocket. Table lamp would not flash or turn on.
(3)Try all Module/Sensor On/Off buttons with housecode=A in Security Remote Control. Nothing worked with Lamp Module and Socket Rocket.
(4)Try Lights On/off button in Keyfobs. Nothing worked with Lamp Module and Socket Rocket.
(5)Connect Power Horn to the same electric outlet. Trigger the alarm or press Panic button in Keyfob/Security Remote Control. SC1200 has the alarm sound but not with Power Horn.
Before I request a RMA, could someone suggest anything for further diagnose this issue? I also tried to connect Lamp Module, Socket Rocket, Power Horn and SC1200 in the same power bar to do the experiment but still nothing would work for the lights.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,