I have one of the newer AM486 appliance modules using a surface mounted 14-pin SONIX microcontroller and the MCR 100-B SCR to switch the relay.
I thought I had it sussed-out last night as the control pin on the uController was plainly connected to the SCR via a couple of caps and resistors. (Pin 4 IIRC).
I hooked up my multi-meter, but could not see a change in pin state when the relay switched, so I assumed that it must be a pulse (too fast for my meter) that was causing the switch. A quick check on the Vss/Vdd pins showed that the uController was running at 4.1v - safe enough for my USB scope - so I hooked it up, switched on, and managed to fry the protection diodes inside the scope
and create a wonderful buzzing sound into the bargain.
My beloved MCC 1208FS DAQ now bricked after 5 years of faultless service.
I suspect that I'd shorted something out while moving the disassembled module to my bench.
Anyway - I am looking to modify the relay switching function of the module to work with an Arduino. I want to use the device to switch a toaster oven on and off under external control - effectively bypassing the X10 side of things completely.
Does anyone know how the switching function works?
Is it a pulse, or something else?
And how dangerous are the levels inside these things?