Thanks for the reply. The USB controller arrived yesterday. I installed a couple of the lamp modules. One seems to accept on/off commands. Another doesn't. Is that because I have to select the EXACT type of lamp module from the little icon page? I know some of them dim -- these are the "soft start," correct? (I have had to replace several over the years, so a couple do have the dimmer feature). I will try installing the rest by removing the faceplates,etc. and noting codes. I will let you know if I could get them all online. When I first set up the system back in the X286 PC days with RS232 controller, things worked flawlessly. And I must say, the initial program (came on floppy disk) was more intuitive and easier to use. I think the new software over-metaphored itself. But then again, I'm a newbie to an old system's new software. Thanks again. Happy holiday. Mike