1. One motion detector (pms01) consistently gives false alarms (when mounted in different locations, when face down on a towel, when in the closed box (again, tried different locations). The other pms01 works fine.
2. I have several double windows so am wiring two sets of mag switches onto each ds10a as per the instructions...
The first two installations worked great.
The third one: neither mag switch is functioning (no red light) even though they were working when tested individually. I am using new batteries form the same pack as installation 1 and 2, same wire, etc. If I hit the test button the 1200 responds.
Fourth one: mis-functioning exactly as #3.
3. The lamp module works fine from the 1200 and from both remote controls but neither key fob (kr10a) will work the lamp (though they both will arm/disarm the system).
Have fun and Thanks!!!