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Author Topic: (FIXED) Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue  (Read 24226 times)


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2011, 10:04:10 AM »

hyow about trying the reverse of what others are saying?

My time range works - by NOT using time in the macro but simply adding a P1 switch with a TIMER that turns it on at ur 5:30pm and off at 9pm.....

Now in my macros I use condition IF P1 IS ON

it was my way years ago to give up on the crappy non working dusk/dawn/time_ranges sometimes working and most of the time not working.

this works solid.

only issue is if you restart ahp in middle of ur ON tijme range it will of course come on OFF and u have to wait for next time range or turn it on manually.

Not sure if you read post #1 or post #4, but:

"I tried setting up 2 macros, where the front door sensor would enable a ghost appliance sensor, then the second macro took the ghost sensor as a trigger, and threw in the timed condition."

What you are saying sounds a bit different, and I will try it (I even linked to a thread from 2008 where you commented ).  This is obviously a workaround, and I will continue to hound X10 until the bugs from are addressed.   B:(




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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2011, 01:58:51 PM »

Look at this and replace the email action with a light action:


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2011, 06:55:39 PM »

Not sure if you read post #1 or post #4, but:
"I tried setting up 2 macros, where the front door sensor would enable a ghost appliance sensor, then the second macro took the ghost sensor as a trigger, and threw in the timed condition."

Rock,  actually I did.  This is NOT the same as your post #1 or post #4.  That is why I took pity on your problem and wrote you a solution that works.  Sorry for writing something you think is wrong. I will go back and erase it now.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 06:57:14 PM by mike »


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2011, 07:38:05 PM »

Not sure if you read post #1 or post #4, but:
"I tried setting up 2 macros, where the front door sensor would enable a ghost appliance sensor, then the second macro took the ghost sensor as a trigger, and threw in the timed condition."

Rock,  actually I did.  This is NOT the same as your post #1 or post #4.  That is why I took pity on your problem and wrote you a solution that works.  Sorry for writing something you think is wrong. I will go back and erase it now.


You forgot to quote the part under that, where I say that does sound a bit different, and I will try it...  I never said I thought your idea was wrong.  Way to internet!   #:)


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2011, 03:37:04 PM »

I know this is an older post, but the time-based condition problem was fixed in AHP version 3.315, which was released on 6/9/2011.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2011, 03:39:17 PM »

I know this is an older post, but the time-based condition problem was fixed in AHP version 3.315, which was released on 6/9/2011.

Unfortunately, this is not true.  The time-based condition problem still exists, even after a complete uninstall/reinstall for me.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2011, 03:45:02 PM »

I know this is an older post, but the time-based condition problem was fixed in AHP version 3.315, which was released on 6/9/2011.

Unfortunately, this is not true.  The time-based condition problem still exists, even after a complete uninstall/reinstall for me.
I'm sorry to hear that you are still having problems.
Can you give us a little more detail on the symptoms, and the type of condition and macro you are using?
Are you using version 3.315?
What plugins do you have?
Is the macro being run from the PC, or downloaded to the interface?
Can you verify that the time-based logic works BACKWARD? (true when it should be false, false when it should be true)?

I'll ask the developer to take a look at this thread, and he may need to get back in touch with you again.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2011, 04:37:25 PM »

Thanks for your kind response.  I actually started this thread, so most of the details you are looking for are in the OP.

I am using the latest version.  I have the Smart Macros Plugin, iWatchmobile, OnAlert, Onalertmobile, MyHouseOnline.

It is only possible to run this macro from the PC, it cannot be stored on the interface with the time condition.

The logic does not work backwards, either.

I have a 20+ email chain with one of the developers since January.  This was his most recent response from May 23.

"Thank you for your request. I am afraid I need you to wait while I discuss further steps with the tech team and some of the developers. We are seeing a very high volume of support requests right now. Please rest assured that I am doing what I can to see the issue resolved, but it will take some time. As soon as I receive further information, I will let you know. Again, thank you for your patience."

I've offered up remote control of the computer for testing, but have pretty much given up.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2011, 04:56:52 PM »

I apologize for the lack of communication you received.  That message is from tech support, and no developers were involved unfortunately.  They may have lumped your case in with the time based conditions bug since we have been working on that for a while now, but they should have at least gotten back to you to try the fix in the latest version.

I looked over your original post and that should be enough data for me to put together a test here to try and recreate your problem and look for a bug.  I will get back to you with the results as soon as I am able.  I have some projects I need to finish first, so it might be early next week before I can test this.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2011, 05:17:52 PM »

This is starting to make a little less sense, as Customer Service told me Eric Boyd was one of the developers.  He has possession of my latest AHX file for testing when needed.  The rig is on Windows Home Server, (Windows Server 2003 based).  Thank you for following up. 

I would like to add, that since 3.315 was released, I was able to "rig" it to work sometimes using 3 macros, as mentioned in this thread -  Previously, that method did not work.


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2011, 05:26:11 PM »

Eric Boyd is one of our top tier tech support staff.  He works with us often on these kinds of issues, testing fixes, and maintaining communication with customers, but he does not work with the application code.  I will ask him about your case, and see if he has any other insights to offer.

Does that workaround work if you combine macros 2 and 3 as described by the post you linked?  It looks like their might be some old weirdness with door/window sensors as macro triggers (which I have not looked into or fixed at all yet).  In this case it was combined with the time based conditions bug.  We might be half fixed if that is true.  Half fixed doesn't help you, of course, but it does narrow down which part i need to fix :)


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2011, 06:25:40 PM »

Eric was very nice, I just feel AHP doesnt (or didn't) have the resources to get this matter any attention.  For all I know, I was the only one in the world with this issue :D

Half fixed is more fixed than it was before, so its a great start :)  I will have to check when i get home from work, regarding the combination of macros.  I do have the older sensors, DS10A's.  It is evident that the door sensor is recognized every time in the activity log.

I have yet to proceed with my buildout until i can finish troubleshooting this issue.  Wife can only tolerate so much non-functional technology.  I really do appreciate all the followups on this Erik, it's good to know I might be able to continue this project.



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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2011, 07:56:33 PM »

I'm glad to see that you are working on this. You have been an invaluable resource for me and my own X10 troubleshooting over the past year, so I know you'll get this one fixed, too!

However, can I suggest that X10 stop assigning their staff very similar screen names? It gets really confusing for us users! ;-)


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Re: Security Module to turn lights on with time condition issue
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2011, 07:09:55 PM »


I combined 2 & 3 as suggested and it worked.  I decided to go for it, and can now say that the time condition works properly for me on 3.315 in a single macro.  Not sure why its working now and didn't before on the same version, but I'll take it.  Thank you so much for all the followups again, and sorry for my delayed response.

There is a random issue with using the "turn all lights on" during the macro.  I have 2 lamp modules on the same extension cord, and one of them wont turn on when using the "all lights on" function.  I have to tandem the two modules separately in order to get them both to come on.  Are 2 lamp modules on a single extension a no-no? Also, the RTM75 module I use for the halogen trips, but isn't reflected in AHP as "on".

Regardless, I'm really excited to get everything else setup now :D  Thanks!
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