If you want to place the volume control between the main line-level signal (1v ptp analog) going into the amplifier, it can be done fairly easily. Assuming you have an x10 remote that can activate a standard, dimable X10 module, you will need to add an external VCA (Voltage Controlled Amp). These are easy to come by and simple to setup. FRS Inc made one that worked beautifully (their LDR-2 two channel control). You simply input two channels into the module which is about the size of a paperback; the output goes to your amp.
You need variable control voltage into the module that will raise and lower the volume. This is where the x10 remote and one lamp module come in. You use the lamp module's output to drive the VCA. Only slight problem here is that the control voltage must go from 0 to 12vdc (my memory may be off -- it may be 24vdc that the VCA needs - FSR's clear diagrams and directions will verify it up for you).
Thing is, of course the X10 module will be putting out the control voltage for lamps which is 120VAC. You can't use that to control the VCA, it will blow it up. You need to put an appropriate resistor between the X10 lamp module output and the VCA input. Drop the voltage down so that when the X10 at full voltage, the resistor drops that down to the maximum the VCA wants to see for full volume -- 12vdc (24vdc?) Once you figure out the right resistance, you will also need to rectify it to DC (full wave will do fine).