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Author Topic: Any interest in a CM15A Antenna Kit?  (Read 26391 times)


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Re: Any interest in a CM15A Antenna Kit?
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2012, 02:49:52 PM »

I have 120 bare PCBs and all the needed components but haven't had time to build any just yet. Hopefully, they'll be available in a few weeks.
This is going to be delayed. I've spent 4 and 7 out of the past 16 days in the hospital (2 episodes). The second was to deal with a nasty infection I probably picked up during the first. They poured vancomycin, penicillin & one other antibiotic into me for a week and I'm not going to be up to doing anything remotely physical for a long, long time.

The distributor who is going to handle the Arduino-compatible system I've designed says they may be able to provide the kits later (Q3) this year. 
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