I have three 41A's in my house, but as of right now I do not have alarming, notifications, etc. enabled, as I just installed it two days ago. That is next weekends project.

I have internet access, wifi access, all with not a hitch. Picture is more than satisfactory for a surveillance camera. Panning/tilting with my smartphone while at work is invaluable. I would recommend them to anyone. In fact, I ordered two outdoor PTZ Pro's just this morning.
I plan on enabling everything, but in the back of my mind I have my bedroom closet light motion detector....I set it to turn on when the door is opened, off after 15 minutes of no movement. Simple. Every now and then at night, under the door I'd see the light cycle on and off. Turns out every time the AC kicked on, a few shirts would flutter, kicking on the light.

Now disabled after trying every setting that thing had.
Is anything moving in your garage that can kick on the camera ? Mice ? Worse yet, a big freakin' rat ? I don't know how sensitive the monitoring is; but something is kicking it on !