Have the XX34A and XX36A. Both cameras do the flickering when the sun is out causing the alarm condition. Alarm sensitivity is down to "1".
Hello X10. Thank you for your help here, as always.
My 3rd camera arrived with the new firmware already installed, and the problem of the camera turning itself around to point inside has been resolved! THANK YOU!!
Now, all that needs to be addressed is the "flickering" caused by the auto-iris during adverse light changes. This happens during sunset for me, and not at sunrise. At sunset, a change of the 60Hz/OUTDOOR setting to Outdoor (which is where it is always left on) won't cure this - only a soft re-set under the SYSTEM tab will fix it (this also moves the camera to point elsewhere, so after a reset I still need to point the camera back outside using a preset).
I also have a WiFi issue with the new update - it won't show any WiFi networks after the "SEARCH" button is hit; this used to work with the pre-firmware update pair of cameras I had. I will call tech support and address this issue with them.
Thanks again!