So, y'all are saying I can screw any OTS 120VAC LED light bulb in the LM15?
Absolutely! Just don't turn it ON.
I don't think anyone here is saying you positively can do it. I think we are saying; we have done it with similar devices, but YOU are on your own.
I drive 120V LED spotlight bulbs and rope lights with LM15As with no problems, and the LED spot light has a tiny transformer in it. So far no smoke, no melt. But the transformers in the wall warts, didn't like the LM15A so much. Some transformers tolerate the distortion and some don't. You will have to test for yourself, at your risk.
I would test it by running the LED bulb on the LM15A in a safe location, for 24 to 48 hours continuous. Periodically check the setup for "hot" smell, and excessive heat around bulb base, heat sink area, and the LM15A. Passing the test doesn't mean all is hunky dory. It does probably indicate failure is not eminent. 'Course these projections of 20, 50 and 100K hours for LED and CFLs are complete poodle gas anyway.
Also, if the LED bulb is dimmable, any AC distortion from the LM15A or a Lamp Module should not bother it. $0.02