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Author Topic: Adding a module with dimming functionality for use with cfl lamp  (Read 2851 times)


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Adding a module with dimming functionality for use with cfl lamp
« on: September 17, 2012, 03:02:42 PM »


I have read allot of stuff about the subject but am still a little unclear.

I would like to know a couple of key points.

First assuming I have a dimmable CFL bulb plugged into a lamp with standard two pin plug currently connected to a regular home wall socket.

1. Can someone clarify exactly which module would I need to buy to best control the CFL bulb on and off and dim functionality.

2. I have seen people say to use the appliance module but that it needs modifying to stop some flickering every so often while off or something? and also the icon in AHP for said appliance module does not have a dimming function on it, so am I supposed to use a different icon in the software to have the dimming function on it?

3. Do x10 not make a specific product that is for dimmable CFL bulbs that also has the product icon in AHP with dimming control switch on it etc as all i see is socket rocket (no dim) appliance modules 2 and 3 pin (no dim control in software) and lamp modules (dim control in software) but people say these don't work with CFL?

Sorry if these are stupid questions that have already been answered but i read dozens of posts and nothing specifically spelled it out, to use this particular module and select this in AHP and then this will dim your CFL bulbs etc.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Brian H

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Re: Adding a module with dimming functionality for use with cfl lamp
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 03:12:16 PM »

1. LM465 Lamp Module. Will go On; Off and Dim most dimmable CFLs. There are exceptions that depend on the exact dimmabe CFLs being used.
Some just have electronics that don't agree with a LM465. My LPrize $49.95 {before Power Company Incentive} Dimmable LED Bulb refuses to cooperate with a Soft Start LM465 but is OK with an older type. So testing a brand before doing a mass purchase would be a good thing to try.

2. You could use any Icon in AHP you wanted to on an Appliance Module. It has a switch in it and will not dim no matter what it is called.
The flicker with a CFL with an Appliance Module was reduced with the latest CFL friendly Appliance Modules but in some cases could still happen.

3. A Lamp Module will not work with a standard CFL that can't dim with out damage to the CFL, Lamp Module or both.
That is why we say don't use a Lamp Module on a Standard CFL that can't dim and maybe what is confusing you.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 04:06:42 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Adding a module with dimming functionality for use with cfl lamp
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 04:25:24 PM »

Thank you very much for the information, it is greatly appreciated and explains things exactly as I need them to be.

I will go ahead and obtain some LM465 modules and find some dimmable clf bulbs to begin testing and see what works best.

Brian H

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Re: Adding a module with dimming functionality for use with cfl lamp
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 07:10:31 AM »

I have tried few dimmable CFLs. As most of mine are CFL or LED bulbs on Appliance type modules.
The few I tried worked OK with both a soft start and older LM465.
One vendors bulb I did test. Suggested you burn them in for a few hours at full AC power. To age them.
Also the dimming range may not be as linear as with an incandescent bulb and may flicker near their low end of dimming.
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