Just a clarification, I type in all caps when I am are PISSED!
I will bet any or all x10 techs that the first and second camera sent are NOT WIDE EYE. The specification state 90 degrees. I tested the both cameras directly in a corner and the view is about 60 degrees, NOT 90 degrees. When I called tech support they told me I should see a fish eye on the side edges of the video. Look closely at the photo. No fish eye seen. NOT WIDE EYE. And x10 scr_wed me on the the wide eye and want me to pay $12 so they can send me another camera that is not wide eye. They even let my warranty expire with the return sitting in their warehouse because they did not have a replacement to send out for 3 weeks. As far as the focus I tested the camera in about 10 locations and depth of views and nothing was in focus. The lens was not properly installed at the x10 factory or when the claimed they changed the lens.
Not good for business when I sent my concerns to 35,000 business associates through my product testing company association stating the problem with X10 products and their customer service. BUYER BEWARE
http://webpages.charter.net/finman/security FYI the image on the right is the supposed outdoor wide eye out of focus