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Author Topic: PA5800 Dialing Problems fixed with SC1200?  (Read 2712 times)


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PA5800 Dialing Problems fixed with SC1200?
« on: June 24, 2013, 05:51:34 PM »

I've been unsuccessful to have the PA5800 Personal Assistance System to dial out correctly with a Comcast VoIP.  Older posts have detailed this issue.  Without success, I've tried using DSL filters as suggested (although that doesn't make sense because it isn't DSL), driving the phone modem directly from the cable modem, bypassing house wiring, tried a second PA5800, and calling Comcast who just acknowledge after a service call that "their system isn't compatible with X10 equipment."  They weren't receptive in the least to making any "setting changes" to accommodate me.  The PA5800 regularly misinterprets a tone and thus dials the wrong number or is incomplete.  I've not yet tried installing a digital to analogue converter, but that is more expensive than just buying another non X10 system.  The non-X10 forums are full of this VoIP incompatibility as well as in this forum, but X10 Technical service said that there was no issue.  An email chat with X10 indicated that the newer SC1200 "should work."

Does anyone know if the misdialing issue has been worked on the newer SC1200?  Or is it the same technology?

Or has anyone figured out how to workaround the PA5800 issues other than what I've tried?  It worked perfectly with a Quest/Century Link landline.

Brian H

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Re: PA5800 Dialing Problems fixed with SC1200?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 06:02:32 AM »

You may want to look at some of the threads in the Security Area of the forums.
I believe some users had issues with VoIP systems. I don't remember if Comcast was specifically mentioned.

Some users also reported the ability to do X10 control from a remote phone calling in didn't work. If an answering machine was in use.

The DSL filter would remove any high frequency noise or signals from getting into the console. If there was any on the line.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 08:11:15 AM by Brian H »
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