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Author Topic: PTZ pro xx40A... is there an extension cable for antenna ?  (Read 3473 times)


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PTZ pro xx40A... is there an extension cable for antenna ?
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:52:16 PM »

Do they make a cable with the correct ends to extend the length of the antenna. one end would attach to the antenna in on the camera and the other end would attach to the antenna itself. My ptz outdoor camera is mounted pretty much at the end range of the wireless router signal. Sometimes it connects good and other times not so good. If I could connect the antenna itself at the end of a 20' cable and the other end to the camera, that seems like it would solve the problem by getting the antenna that much closer to the wireless router. I tried a standard TV cable fitting but it was to big. I haven't checked yet to see if stores had smaller ones that would fit but it seems like they should. Just wondered if anyone had tried this solution and if it worked. THANKS

Brian H

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Re: PTZ pro xx40A... is there an extension cable for antenna ?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 04:14:34 PM »

Yes they make cables for that use.
I can't tell from the photos but I believe they are the SMA or Reversed SMA type.
Here is a link to what a SMA and reversed SMA connectors look like.
The position of the Male Pin is what determines if it it SMA or reverse SMA.

Use you favorite search engine. You can fine many hits for "SMA Extension Cable"
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 04:27:00 PM by Brian H »


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Re: PTZ pro xx40A... is there an extension cable for antenna ?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 03:42:36 PM »

My ptz outdoor camera is mounted pretty much at the end range of the wireless router signal. Sometimes it connects good and other times not so good. If I could connect the antenna itself at the end of a 20' cable and the other end to the camera, that seems like it would solve the problem by getting the antenna that much closer to the wireless router.

IMO - if you re going to run a 20 foot cable, why not just get the POE kit and run a 25 foot cable. I see even if you set up the camera the with the wireless set up...and you have to reset the camera ( connect to the router ) , you re going have to either take it down or run a 25 foot cable to the camera to start fresh.

I had my cam wirelessly and its less than 25 feet from my router hanging outside. and i thought of LOSS OF ELECTRIC, NY has had black outs. I trip the circuit breaker running a heater NO POWER TO THE CAMERA. My dog pulls out the power cord NO POWER AGAIN. if i had to reconnect, i still have to connect my router to the camera first.. POE kit provides me with the power/router connection and when i add video and outside speaker... my set up makes it very easy.. after all .. i am 55 an disable.
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