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Author Topic: PoE for XX41A  (Read 4179 times)


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PoE for XX41A
« on: July 25, 2013, 11:42:25 AM »

Hello All, Recently purchased 4 XX41A wide eye cameras.  All is working fine.  I purchased the PoE kits for these as well.  What's your experience in getting these PoE kits to work at any distance longer than 15 feet?  I can only get it to work at 15 feet or less using standard Cat 5, 24 AWG solid cables.  It's very deceptive of X10 to advertise these PoE kits and claim to get 100'.  I wonder how they achieve that?  I'm trying to see if I can get my hands on perhaps 23 or 22 AWG cables to see if I that makes a difference.

Brian H

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Re: PoE for XX41A
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 01:14:37 PM »

In a Passive POE setup. One pair of wires {4-5} is the + voltage and another pair {7-8} the common.
The specifications listed in the X10 wiki says your supply is 5 volts at 2000 mA {2 amps}.
A chart I have shows a typical #24 Solid Wire is 27.3 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0273 Ohms a foot. #22 Solid Wire 16.8 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0168 Ohms a foot.
15' of #24 cable is a total  0.4095 Ohms in a POE setup. 15' of #22 cable is a total of 0.252 Ohms in a POE setup.
At one amp the #24 will drop .4095 volts and at the full two amps .819 volts.
At one amp the #22 will drop .252 volts and at the full two amps .504 volts.
The voltage drop at 15' is a fair amount of loss from a normal 5 volt supply.
I can't see how 100' would even give you enough power to have the cameras electronic even try to work.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 01:22:35 PM by Brian H »


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Re: PoE for XX41A
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 01:37:51 PM »

In a Passive POE setup. One pair of wires {4-5} is the + voltage and another pair {7-8} the common.
The specifications listed in the X10 wiki says your supply is 5 volts at 2000 mA {2 amps}.
A chart I have shows a typical #24 Solid Wire is 27.3 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0273 Ohms a foot. #22 Solid Wire 16.8 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0168 Ohms a foot.
15' of #24 cable is a total  0.4095 Ohms in a POE setup. 15' of #22 cable is a total of 0.252 Ohms in a POE setup.
At one amp the #24 will drop .4095 volts and at the full two amps .819 volts.
At one amp the #22 will drop .252 volts and at the full two amps .504 volts.
The voltage drop at 15' is a fair amount of loss from a normal 5 volt supply.
I can't see how 100' would even give you enough power to have the cameras electronic even try to work.

I am using x-10 xx40a with a 25 foot cat 5 cable with POE.

Do i make the grade?


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Re: PoE for XX41A
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 03:06:09 PM »

In a Passive POE setup. One pair of wires {4-5} is the + voltage and another pair {7-8} the common.
The specifications listed in the X10 wiki says your supply is 5 volts at 2000 mA {2 amps}.
A chart I have shows a typical #24 Solid Wire is 27.3 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0273 Ohms a foot. #22 Solid Wire 16.8 Ohms/1000 feet. 0.0168 Ohms a foot.
15' of #24 cable is a total  0.4095 Ohms in a POE setup. 15' of #22 cable is a total of 0.252 Ohms in a POE setup.
At one amp the #24 will drop .4095 volts and at the full two amps .819 volts.
At one amp the #22 will drop .252 volts and at the full two amps .504 volts.
The voltage drop at 15' is a fair amount of loss from a normal 5 volt supply.
I can't see how 100' would even give you enough power to have the cameras electronic even try to work.

My goal is to reach at least 50'.  I was thinking that what if I buy a universal adapter and push more voltage through the cat 5 cable.  According to  , it may be possible

dave w

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Re: PoE for XX41A
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 03:19:27 PM »

I can't see how 100' would even give you enough power to have the cameras electronic even try to work.

I wonder where X10 found their 10ga CAT 5 cable for that 100 foot spec?    :'
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 03:21:33 PM by dave w »
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Brian H

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Re: PoE for XX41A
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2013, 08:20:18 PM »

You maybe able to use a higher voltage on the injector end to compensate for the voltage drop to the splitter end of the cable.
As the camera changes how much current it is using. Like in pan and tilt. The voltage will vary.

They do make an Active POE style injector. Many times the injected voltage is 48 volts and the splitter end has a voltage regulator in it. That way the drop in the cable is compensated for. I believe 5 volts 2 amps or 12 volts 1 amp is the standard I have seen.
I have also seen reports of low end active POE kits failing at the splitter end. Resulting in up to 48 volts being applied to the powered device.  ???
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