I would like to get some opinions/help on a new iOS app created that might be helpful for the likes of X10 control.
Just as a bit of background, this app was created to support a different type of protocol (namely, z-wave), however, I wanted to see if a version could be created that others might find useful for controlling devices simply by calling URL's (which I know some control their X10 devices with). My problem is I don't have X10 devices, and honestly don't know much about the protocol or how it's usually controlled.
If anyone would like to download to give it a go, and either tell me it's useless, or maybe how we can make it useful for you
If I can understand more about the controlling server, ie the commands sent, how they're sent etc, it might become something that you can use, so if anyone has any links to any information, that would be great too.
If you're interested then, it's up on iTunes, and can be used across the range if iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch:
https://itunes.apple.com/US/app/id996488193?mt=8Very rusty around the edges as I don't understand the market well enough (to be honest), but interested in what it could become.