Yes a very poor choice of words.
Tried to say it doesn't start slowly.
Many of the X10 schematics. Third party participants don't have any component numbers on them.
As their were different design changes over the years.
You may find some schematics don't match the one you are looking for.
I have also seen one of an appliance module that looks wrong. Parts may smoke if the schematic was correctly showing connections.
The Active Home Pro CM15A is one I can remember has schematics, parts lists and test results in the FCC Database. Other X10WTI schematics in the FCC Database have more information in them. Since the FCC Database only covers X10 modules with a transmitter in them. Not all modules can be found there. Grantee Code for X10 is B4S. Product code is also on the modules label. Pick the Details Choice when the module you search for is found. PC Boards do have silk screened part numbers on them but no designation on the schematics.
The ones I added to the modification information. Was from physical testing and looking at the schematic.
I can not say about the presently sold LM465. That they say has no Local Control and may have an even later PC Board. In my 2008 era soft start that has Local Control. Removing R14 330K 1/2 Watt kills it.
Glad you got it working the way you wanted it.