Last night, I connected my laptop to my
CM15 ActiveHome Pro module because some
lights didn't turn on as expected. When I
connected, the software said that there is
an update. I installed the update because
it looked like it fixed quite a few issues.
What made this update interesting is that
it included a USB update for the CM15a. It
asked me if I wanted to update the CM15 and
I said yes. After the update, I made some
changes to my schedule, saved my settings
and went to bed. This morning, my wife told
me that some of the outdoor lights were
still on when she went to work. I tried to
connect to the CM15 and now I get a USB
error that says that the USB device is
damaged and needs to be replaced.
So, what do I need to do to get this
working again? Devices seem to be working
correctly, I just can no longer connect to
my CM15 via USB.