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Author Topic: Re: Finally time to dive in? [3 of 5]  (Read 10240 times)


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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2005, 11:27:07 AM »

Yes thank you Ouch (though I am grateful for
all the input and the time given to reply).

So i have finally made a purchase (fairly
easy to guess which i went with). Will post
back my findings on the competition, the
weaknesses i feel it has, and how it copes
with my current x10 setup.

I do hope someday to be able to use AHP. And
will of course continue to stop by and read
how its devoloping.


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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2005, 11:31:31 AM »

Man, the hostility here is a bummer. Yes this
thread is about someone asking popular
opinion as to whether the CM15A bugs had been
reduced to a tolerable level. But in recent
days this thread had degenerated to an X10
bashing thread. Lets face it, X10 released a
bad product and elected to allow a public
forum to discuss the problems. The customers
are the beta testers! Not the best marketing
strategy but I am sure that they did not put
this forum up so people would have a direct
channel to mock and ridicule the employees of
X10. I have been both hot and cold over X10's
efforts to develop this product. I feel that
it should not be my job to debug the software
/ hardware issues, I am an end user! With
that said, it serves no purpose to spew
negativity on this forum. If you dont like
what X10 is doing, then simply GO AWAY. Take
it as a $50 life lesson that truth in
marketing is a subjective term. To get on
this forum every day and tell X10 they stink
can not help anything except to bring all the
other nay sayers out of the woodwork and let
this forum degenterate into uselessness.

Please, for the sake of all who want to see
the CM15A improve, keep it positive.


Bob Taylor

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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2005, 11:39:15 AM »

Maybe this one thread will save some
unlucky sap from spending the $50 to
purchase a bad product.  Hey hear's a
thought, you don't like this post / thread -
stop reading it......  you are right about
one thing though, the ammount of negative
energy can be better served elsewhere.

One last thought - maybe the reason X10
folks are bold enough to let this kinda
post go on is they truly don't give a darn
about the people that they have sold this
junk to.  At some point in time they will
make a good product then conveniently lose
the data posted on old / negative posts and
run with their new / happy customers, all
the original ones will have jumped ship.
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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2005, 12:00:14 PM »


I will agree with you on two points. This
forum has conveniently "lost" posts on
occasion, particularly the really negative ones.

I will also agree that X10 marketing does not
seem to "give a darn" about its customers.
After all, these are the same folks that
plagued us all with the amazing X10 cam pop
under a few years back. Someone made them stop.

But come on, how can you say that this crap
will stop some poor sap from buying. I would
think that anyone just casually reading the
non-negative stuff would very quickly come to
the truth about AHP. We dont need the extreme
negative name calling stuff to convey that
message. A positive tone about a legitimate
problem will accomplish the exact same thing.


Bob Taylor

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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2005, 12:04:38 PM »

You be dreaming! I'll bet anything said on
this forum truly deters few people. Reading
a bunch of "back patting" posts aint gonna
do it.
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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2005, 01:29:16 PM »


"I would think that anyone just casually
reading the non-negative stuff would very
quickly come to the truth about AHP."

Sorry, I guess I just overestimated the
intelligence of some members of this group.



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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2005, 02:00:23 PM »

I would venture to guess that people who
come to these forums have already made their
X10 purchase and are looking for how to
solve their problem or better use their
product.  People don't do that much research
to dive into message boards before they
purchase.  These forums were put here by X10
for the purpose of people helping people.
All the negative X10 postings do is inhibit
those trying to learn.

Bob Taylor

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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2005, 02:07:06 PM »

Glad you know everything DWD.   I always
research before buying, when I purchased my
system from X10 no one was honest enough to
call it like it is.   Gad some of you
people live in a sheltered world. I agree
the negative stuff can get in the way of
some things.   However, does anyone know
the name of this post, what the initial
topic is / was?  Want help with fixing this
junk, read another post. Don't like to read
negative stuff about X10, stop reading this
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Bob Taylor

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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2005, 02:09:12 PM »

Right on Geez.   To qoute an earlier reply -
some of these guys really do have an RF
range problem between their ears.
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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2005, 02:10:10 PM »


Right on! X10 did not put this forum up to
advertise the problems, it is here for people
to find solutions.

As far as research goes, I read the mail here
for several months before I bought. When it
first came out, I did not want to get
involved but as the bug stuff diminished, I
jumped in. Yes, I did have a few initial
problems but found answers right here. I have
only called X10 support once and was dismally
disappointed. I found my answers right here.
That is why this board is here, to augment
the faulty X10 support structure.
Unfortunately X10 is paying a price for this
augmentation of their support. namely the
negative press. I am sure that if they
thought this board was just for the whiners,
they would have canned the whole thing long ago.


Bob Taylor

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Re: Finally time to dive in?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2005, 02:14:36 PM »

I'm new to all this computer technology
stuff.  I read some things recently that
helped me decide to spend a little more on
another product.  My friend decided to go
with X10 Active Home Pro.  He's been
fighting problems for a month, my system
went in and has worked without a hitch for
a couple weeks now.  I'm glad I read info
about the product on this forum before
buying, wow I almost got sucked in with all
the ad hype they do. I like making informed
decisions, thanks to those that don't hold
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