I just recently install a phase
coupler/repeater and now I seem to be
receiving X10 commands from a neighbor's
alarm system (or something).
Here's just one Activity log entry...
05/20/2005 8:12:04 am - Receive -
...and there's many, many more just like it
(2 or 3 per second).
Every so often I'll get an actual House
code/Unit code (like a B13 or J1) but for
the most part it's just StatusRequest.
The house code I'm using is "C" which seems
to be one of 4 house codes not used by the
neighbor's system.
If I turn on or off a light or appliance in
my system, it usually will silence the
StatusRequest for awhile. Maybe an hour.
I know all this traffic can't be a good
thing. My macros don't fire all the time.
Could this be why?
Should I install a whole house filter or
Thanks for any replies.