I've replaced the single gang light switch
cover on the walls going into each room with
a double gang, then paste the stick-a-switch
over the empty spot. (This is important,
because I wouldn't want to apply double sided
tape directly to painted drywall.) Because
of the CM15a's weakness receiving RF devices,
you may need to set aside a housecode for
them, turn off that housecode in Activehome
Pro, then supplement with an additional
tranceiver module (tm-751, or a levington or
WGL all-housecode tranceiver).
If your setup runs conditional macros
reliably, you can even make one
stick-a-switch control six different devices.
IF switch 1 on and light is off, turn light
on ELSE turn light off
IF switch 1 off and fan is off, turn fan on
ELSE turn fan off
et cetera.