I'm a newbee to the X10 modules and switches.
I think I can use them to solve this puzzle,
since this sound pretty simple, but want some
help as to what to buy.
We recently had an all-season room built that
is walled in cedar. It is lighted with a
ceiling fan and a bank of recessed eyeballs.
At the outside door is one three-way switch
for the eyeballs. Inside the house door is
the other switch, plus the switch for the
ceiling fan. Trouble is, the contractor
installed these latter switches BEHIND the
door when it is open (no giggles, please).
We can remove them and patch over since it is
drywall. However, I want to replace them
inside the cedar room without cutting the
cedar to re-run the wiring or recess new
switches. I think that I can put modules
inside the current switch box when I remove
the switches, install replacement wireless
switches to the surface of the cedar with
double-stick tape or screws, and replace the
other 3-way switch at the outside door with
another wireless. What modules and switches
would I need?
Is my description clear enough? Anyone
interested in answering that wants a sketch,
let me know I can email directly with a sketch.