Thanks Roger,
That bit about having two modules in series
to prevent false openings, is a good idea. I
never would have thought of that, but is is
a darned smart idea. As long as you don't
mind having to hide two X10 modules (I
don't) in a garage, that will work fine.
I am going to add that to my list of 'things
I would like to get done soon'.
I have still got a few more neutral wires to
drop so that I can wire up the rest of my
Insteon wall switchs and dimmers. I will try
to get that done tomorrow. I like the 'two-
way' communication, even in X10 mode.
I am not familiar with the better X10 wall
switch/dimmers. I like these because when I
send a 'pre-set dim' of 30%, the dimmers
don't go bright and then dim like my old X10
economy dimmers. These go to 30% in a
logical manner.
My Insteon USB controller and software is on
back order until the week of Nov 14. My
coments on that will have to wait.
If I can get somple macros to run in a
reliable manner and have reliable PLC/RF
switching, I will be happy. With my CM15a I
have to be careful what I do. Sometimes just
leaving my computer off for a few days will
cause the macros to fail. I have my fingers
crossed as to how Insteon RF 'key chain'
remotes might operate. It may be many months
before those things are even available.