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Author Topic: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing  (Read 3885 times)


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NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« on: November 01, 2005, 08:12:35 PM »

Has anyone created a macro that will "ignore"
subsequent transceiver operations triggered
by constant motion from a motion sensor ?
What I'd like to do is refuse to continue
issuing a PLC after the reception of a motion
detector signal.  After a motion sensor has
issued 3 or 4 motion signals and those rf's
have been tranferred into PLC's, I'd like to
stop processing that house code for approx 2
min.  Application: In a Bath, I have constant
motion, I'd like to stop processing that
motion for 2 to 4 minutes.  If 2 baths are
active, I see a constant barrage of PLC's and
that slows the whole system.  I want to
process at least "4" motion detections so
that I know the system is seeing a constant
motion condition and then stop for 2 to 4
A resettable counter (similar to a flag
condition) would be nice.
Any Ideas ??


john t.

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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 12:11:50 PM »

You didn't indicate what software you're
using. AHP  with Smart Macros, or SmartHome
Manager Plus???


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  • Roger H.
Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2005, 12:40:13 PM »

The newer versions of AHP have a feature
where if a macro is defined for an
address/command, it won't transceive that
command.  If you make a macro that is
conditional on a flag that is set after 3 or
4 motion signals, the extra commands
shouldn't be transceived.

One way to do this would be (assuming the
motion sensor is on M1):

Macro M1_ON
(Conditions: F1 and F2 cleared)
turn light on
Set F1
Time delay
Clear F1, F2 and F3

(Conditions: F1 set and F2 cleared)
turn light on
Set F2

(Conditions: F1 and F2 set)
turn light on
Clear F1

(Conditions: F1 cleared and F2 set and F3
turn light on
Set F3

(Conditions: F3 set)
do nothing

The last condition may not be necessary, but
it also might be needed to prevent the
command from being transceived (I haven’t
tested this).  Also, In the second from last
condition, you may not need to check F1 and
F2, but it doesn’t hurt.  Let me know how it


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  • Roger H.
Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2005, 12:42:42 PM »

John:  Considering this is the AHP forum, it
it is reasonable to assume he is using AHP.
Also, the 1132CUP doesn't have a transceiver.

john t.

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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2005, 01:07:26 PM »


Well, when used with a V572AB it does have
transceive ability. And, you can certainly
emulate flags in SMP (I also have AHP and
CM15A(back in the box) so have dealt with
both and visit both forums). I just wanted
to be sure of what system Steve was using
before offering my two cents. So, please
pardon me for not grasping the obvious.


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  • Roger H.
Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 02:15:16 PM »

John:  Sorry, I didn’t intend to insult you.

I am curious though how you would get the
1132CUP to tell the V572AB not to transceive
a house code for the next couple minutes.  I
thought the V572AB could only be configured
by a PC, but since I don’t have one, I could
be wrong.

Brian H

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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2005, 04:17:57 PM »

Roger H; Yes the v572 is programed in blocks
of four units in any house code to ignore if
you care to. I don't think you can configure
it to ignore for like 5 minutes. It
configures by a serial connection to a

john t.

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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2005, 06:56:16 PM »


Per Brian, you can block any house code 1-8
or 9-16 unit codes on the V572. I block all
codes except those used for remote sensors
or controls.

I would do much like you did and create
faux flags in SmartManager Plus using the
state of phantom modules (each one
represents a flag) and checking the
condition of the "flag" (on or off).

Other then that it would program pretty
much as in AHP with SmartMacros and per
your example.


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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2005, 08:10:58 PM »

Hello All,
I am using the AHP/Smart Macro etc.  oops,
forgot to mention that part.

Roger,  Many thanks for your ideas.  Looks
like your super macro may just do the trick.
Not sure I will implement this tonight but
surely by the end of the day tomorrow I
should have this macro built.  I just want to
stop all the extra PLC's when both baths are
invaded and causing constant motion signals.
I don't want to bog down the CM15A so this
will be a good test.
Currently I am running 2 CM15A's and one
TM751.  The master CM15A does all the bull
work (macros,timers etc) and is disconnected
from the PC 24/7. The second CM15A does ALL
the house motion sensors and iWitness.  The
TM751 is in a small shop approx 150 feet
frorm the house and I have 1 motion sensor
and a couple of lights that activate when
going in and activate multiple in-house
chimes if activated after 11pm and before
5am.  Your super macro idea looks very
workable and I really appreciate your time to
help !  Thanks so much.

I'll let everyone know how this works out.
Many thanks to all !



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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2005, 08:34:54 PM »

You really have me thinking here..
In my current set up, my SECONDARY CM15A does
all the motion detector PLC's.  Motion
detectors are on house code B (EXCEPT the ONE
shop MD).  My secondary CM15A is the unit
that is transceiving "B"(motion detectors)to
the powerline and I think that is what I
really want to stop.  but...the problem is
that my secondary unit is connected 24/7 and
does nothing but code B (motion detectors)
and iWitness stuff.  It does not have any
house macro business.  All my house
macro/timer stuff is on the master
CM15A/disconnected.  I transceive house code
"B" and "G" (Iwitness only).  The master does
respond to "B" house code PLC's and executes
the bath macros that keep the lights dim
after 11 and before 5am (so I won't go blind
in the middle of the BUT I do
not have the "B" house code being transceived
on that master CM15A.  I hope I have not
confused this whole mess... if so I can lay
it out a bit cleaner ??  I'd appreciate your
and anyone elses thoughts on this whole damn


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  • Roger H.
Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2005, 08:56:08 AM »

Steve:  You need to have the macros I
described on the CM15A that is transceiving
the house code for the motion sensor for it
to prevent the command from being
transceived.  I don't see any reason why you
can't have these macros on one CM15A and all
the other macros on the other CM15A if you


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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2005, 05:16:24 PM »

SteveRF,  one thing to keep in mind (when
you have a couple of CM15A's and want to
distribute the workload) is the ability to
use 'SendRF' commands within macros to
pass 'messages' between the CM15As.  You
can pick an arbitrary house code/unit code
and define it as an RF trigger on the 2nd
CM15A.  The house code doesn't need to be


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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2005, 07:34:28 PM »

The SendRF you mentioned is an interesting
point. Is the CM15A "polite" in respect to
sending RF signals ? i.e. will it listen
first before sending so as not to stomp on
incoming RF ?

Roger gave me good options on using flags
to prevent continuous PLC's due to several
motion detectors activating during bath times
etc.  Your idea using SendRF to activate the
macro that utimately controls the baths would
eliminate the PLC's entirely ?  Sounds like
that is what you were trying to convey to me.
So many great ideas and sharp X10 users here.
I really appreciate your input !
Was going to try and implement something
today but have been down to a neighbors house
building a wheelchair ramp for him.  Guess
the X10 revisions will have to wait until
Many Thanks,


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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2005, 11:44:53 PM »

 SteveRF,  I don't know the answer to your
question (re: listen before sending RF).  In
the use I've made of this feature, it hasn't
been an issue, but the frequency of events
using it in my environment is much less than
what the other RF sources like motion
detectors generate.

My philosophy with regard to using X10 is
to expect the occasional screwups in
execution since they seem to be impossible to
prevent. The only thing I won't tolerate is
going on vacation and having the house dark
at night while I'm gone, so I've gone the
redundancy route to minimize this.

Given a couple of relatively stable CM15a's,
the ability for them to poke each other
periodically on a scheduled basis allows some
interesting options aside from sharing work--
like notification if one of them has silently
died, or if the clocks have drifted beyond a
predetermined interval.  I've also had fun
configuring macros that determine if key
lights actually have turned on as expected
and turn on another lamp if needed to recover
(by scheduling an event to expect the trigger
of an interior eagle eye's light sensor-- it
makes a good 'dead bulb' detector, and I
don't have any 2way modules).

I've run into a few 'gotchas' in doing these
things (for example, if you want to sense the
change in state of a light sensor after you
turn on a lamp, don't turn it on by executing
a dim sequence-- you'll sometimes miss the
reception of the 'daylight' RF trigger--
instead do a simple turn on, delay for a few
seconds, then dim).  And if the initial
dimness of a flourescent lamp until warmup
gives you a false 'dead bulb' result, just
repeat the sequence after allowing it some
time to warm up. For the most part you can
accomplish enough conditional logic gvien the
smart macros and enough flags to do what you

Speaking of flags, of course there aren't
enough, so I went the route of sacrificing
the 'monitored' house code and defining
devices on it to create 'pseudo'
flags... whereupon I ran into another
puzzling scenario when they sometimes didn't
work as expected.  It turns out that I had
defined a macro to use the 'All House lights
on' function, which operates across all the
device codes in use, and it had the side
effect of turning on my 'pseudo' device code
flags as well, even though all the units on
the monitored code were defined as appliances
and not lights. In debugging this stuff,
I've found its very helpful to define RF
triggers that allow reading out the state of
the key flags and pseudo flags (by turning on
a light or chime to indicate the current
state of the flag) while the timer program is
up and running.  Unfortunately the RF range
of my CM15A seems to deteriorate when it is
hooked up live to my PC, so having an ability
to readout the state of the flags while
running disconnected is necessary in lieu of
just using the 'report status' page.

Given enough hair pulling, I've gotten most
everything to work the way I want.  The
outstanding issue I have is getting a
reliable 'garage door open' indicator made
out of the X10 stuff I have lying around. I'm
using the radio shack version of the
universal module and a couple of magnetic
switches in series on the garage doors, but
often the powerline signal that gets sent
(too bad it doesn't have a repeat function)
seems to be missed while a nearby driveway
motion detector's RF is apparently being
processed.  Asynchronous event handling is
always a problem, and there just aren't
enough hooks in the hardware or software to
deal with it.

By the way, I have one of the first series of
the 'MS12' type X10 wireless motion detectors
which I got many years ago.  It had some
annoying limitations (one being that you had
to hack it open and modify it by taping over
the light sensor if you wanted to be able to
use the motion sensing feature when it was
not in darkness), but it had one feature
which might be useful in your applicaton- as
I recall it only sent out an RF signal once
upon motion detection, then waited for 6
minutes before it would send another one
(although it could be retriggered during this
dormant interval).  This behavior might
reduce the flood of RF at the cost of
occaisionally missing an event (a couple of
sensors in the room might compensate for this).  


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Re: NEED a Super Macro to Stop Motion Detector Processing
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2005, 05:21:15 PM »

BD, Thanks for the great overview and analysis.
You, like Roger, have given me loads of
unique ideas to work out here.  I will be
trying different methods to see which works
well in my  environment.  I just want to
minimize the traffic while assuring those
bath lights turn on.
Many Thanks to both of you for such detailed
responses !
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