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Author Topic: DUSK LIGHTS ON NOT WORKING  (Read 3098 times)


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 4
« on: November 27, 2005, 09:57:35 AM »

Haven't been on forum in months and am
surprised at problems still nagging this
software. My recent problem has me
scratching my head. Last week I added
several smarthome 2000stw lamp modules to my
home. I have several wall switches for
exterior lights and now these new  lamp
modules controlled to go on at or around
dusk. I have them staggered time wise so I
can get all the signal through. I have done
the same thing at
dawn, with the modules and switches turning
off on a staggered basis.
My problem is that none of the switches or
modules are turning on at dusk. If I go into
AHP, the switches in the software are
unresponsive until I unplug the CM15A and
take out the batteries. When I do this the
software downloads all the settings and I
can manually turn on all the lights. In the
AM, the lights turn off noramally and on
schedule. I have tried clearing the
interface and re-downloading but this has
not helped. I even put in new batteries in
the CM15A. It doesn't matter if the computer
is on or off either.
Any suggestions?
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