Well, It's time to try to turn the driveway
nights on/off with the motion sensor.
I tried creating a macro to run a Light
module first - with interesting results.
MS=C1, Module=E1, Macro=E2
Set E2 to fire when C1 fires before 10pm.
Turn E1 on for 1 minute then off.
1. First, it was hard to set it to watch
C1. I finally changed the House Code that
the CM15A monitors in the hardware settings -
then all the C's showed up. Is there a
better way?
2. I can turn light E1 on/off with a palm-
mad. I can see C1 on the activity log.
But, running macro M2 does not turn the
light on/off when I run it manually, when C1
turns on, or with the palm-pad.