Ok, now we're gettin somewhere. What you
suggested worked! Hallelujah!! BUT,
there's always that but in there, but I can
only control off of that power strip which
is across the room from my computer. Right
now I have an extension cord running to the
CM15A that is plugged into the computer.
Not really safe considering I have a 75lb
dog that'll trip on it and pull everything
out. So now that we've discovered that
problem, what can I do to get things
running on the same line? I thought I read
somewhere that someone downloaded the
commands to the CM15A and the plugged it
into another receptacle somewhere else in
the house. Anyway, I'm just glad I'm able
to see the darn thing work for the first
time in 5 days! Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah. Thank you, we're closer to
getting this to work!