Need a bit of help on alarm delay setting.
I have a PS561 voice dialer console and the PSR01 security/home automation remote control. The remote has an “ARM AWAY” and “ARM HOME” button and a slider for MAX and Min.
When I set the slider to MAX, and select “ARM AWAY” I get one min (with beeps every few seconds) to exit the house. When I set the slider to MIN, and select “ARM AWAY” the system is armed at once. NO PROBLEM THERE!
Now when I set the slider to MAX, and select “ARM HOME” I get one min (with beeps every few seconds). BUT, when I set the slider to MIN, and select “ARM HOME” the system STILL BEEPS and takes one min to arm!
If I am home, and I select “ARM HOME” I want the system to arm at once. How do I fix this?? I do not have the computer software package.
THANKS for ANY help or ideas!!