OK gang, figured out the first part.
I am using the Active Home software (for now)
and have created two Macros. Both Macros use
the "Standard Macro Placeholder" and have the
the same address (O1). However, each has a
different Macro Name. ie Macro #1 is
"Motion"; Macro #2 is "No Motion". Each Macro
(#1 and #2) has a "Macro Function" for each
light (In my case there are four) that I want
"ON" when motion is detected, or "OFF" when
there is no motion for the amount of time as
specified by the MS-16. So,"Macro #1,
"Motion" is set to "ON" and each light is set
to "ON". Conversly, Macro #2 "No Motion" is
set to "OFF", and each light is set to "OFF".
It seems that the secret here is, though the
house code is the same for Macro #1 and #2
(which is normally not allowed), because of
the difference in names, everything works OK.
Now to see how the lamps respond to a
"typical" occupied "look" when we are away
while still responding appropriately to
motion. I'll keep you posted.
Dick, the following does not ring a bell, so
maybe not.
"Is this the infamous TomSki of VPSM fame?"