In my house I installed what is called
instant hot where the hot water is pumped
from the far end of the house to the bottom
of the hot water heater (about 80 feet each
way of ¾” tubing). Initially this worked
just fine with convection but when we added
the California room it quit working. I
installed a small (size 00) Taco
recirculation pump and put a grounded line
cord on the pump and plugged it into an
appliance module.
I put motion sensors in the halls near each
bathroom, kitchen sink, laundry sink and
the bar sink. These are all set for
minimum time (1 minute). When anybody
approaches any of these sinks, the pump
starts. The result is that they get hot
water instantly when turned on, this works
very well on the lines with a return and
fairly well on the others. Worse case delay
for hot water is about two seconds instead
of the original 30. When we have a bunch
of people over it seems the pump never to
stops so I added a thermistor (10K) Put it
in shrink tubing and placed on hot water
return. With an OP-AMP (LM358) a few
resistors, a wall wart, surplus solid-state
relay and a few other minor parts. Now
when somebody gets near any of the
appropriate points the appliance module
still comes on but the pump doesn’t start
if the return is above about 110F.
You would need to be handy with a soldering
iron etc to build this one, but it does
work quite nicely. It may be possible to do
it with a motion sensor such as the MS12
and replace the photo sensor CDS1 with a
thermistor. I have not taken the time to
work out the circuit.
Hope this helps.