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Author Topic: Combo dusk/dawn and fixed time check  (Read 4797 times)

donald mcmow

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Combo dusk/dawn and fixed time check
« on: March 21, 2005, 02:32:06 AM »

There needs to be the ability to check to
see if dusk/dawn come before or after a set
time. ie: If a module is turned ON at
6:00am and turned off a dawn+15min - there
is the posibility that the module will turn
on after the turn off time leaving the
module on all day because the Off command
is run before the module is turned on. This
is true if you get up at 6:00am and as the
seasons change the turn off time will vary
due to the use of the dawn time. Or does
anyone have an easy solution for this type
of situation.


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  • Roger H.
Re: Combo dusk/dawn and fixed time check
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2005, 10:50:25 AM »

If you have smart macros, you could create
a macro that will turn the module on only
if it is before dawn+15min.  Then run that
macro at 6:00am instead of the command to
turn on the module.

If you don’t have smart macros, you could
look and see when in the year 6:00am is
before dawn+15min for you and have the
timer only run in that date range.

In either case you might want to give
yourself a bit of a buffer since there
isn't any point in having the light come on
for 1 min.

joe s.

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Re: Combo dusk/dawn and fixed time check
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2005, 12:25:38 PM »

Although I use a different product (S'Home)
I use a *condition* on all my morning
timers - (eg. "ON at 6AM", "IF the Sun is
OFF") - meaning hasn't risen yet.  True, I
am going to have a few 1-minute mornings,
but I don't really mind.
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