I've been using my lamp module (PLM01) on an automated timer for the last year, and controlling it manually using the AHP software occasionally. I recently ordered some Noise Filters and received a PalmPad with them so I decided to go ahead and configure it for occasional use. I followed the very simple instructions and tested the PalmPad while watching the module using the AHP software. When I turned the lamp module on or off using the PalmPad it turns on and off in the AHP software, but the light itself doesn't actually turn on or off and the dimmer setting doesn't change like it does if I turn the lamp on or off using the AHP software. When I turn it on or off using the AHP software the dimmer setting automatically sets to 100% when I turn it on (or whatever percentage I had it set to last), and 0% when I turn it off. Bottom line, the dimmer setting seems to problematic for the PalmPad with the net result being that I haven't been able to get it to work. Help!
On a side note, what are the blue buttons for at the bottom of the PalmPad? They point up and down, seemingly like they would be used for adusting things like dimmer settings etc.. The instructions that came with the PalmPad made no mention of these buttons.
Thanks in advance!