You could test it by starting a macro with a delay in it and while it's in the delay pahse do a clear memory and then wait and see if the macro finishes.
I did, and it did - but, in regards to the CM15A and AHP, just because it works on MY setup is no guarantee that it will work on YOURS.
For example, I have the "1 Second Delay" (actually 5) after my DIM commands (currently only after the 3rd of 3) just before I send an OFF to an appliance module and I'm still getting a "selective" ALL_LIGHTS_ON that I don't want.
By selective I mean it's limited to WS467 wall switches and LM465 lamp modules and doesn't affect LM15As or PR511s. For a short time there, I had it limited to just a "Phantom C5" WS467 and the lights at C5 were even DIMMING. Of course, there's no C5 command in the macro through...
If I get energetic, I may temporarily hook up a SL575 onto HC 'C' and see what happens.
If you read through the "Work-In-Progress" NOTEs I'm putting together as I read the AHP Software Problems & Bugs archives, you'll see references to these exact BUGs...