sendrf D CamGoPosition1 shows up as received RF (?) in the activity monitor. Then nothing happens.
Worthless as my WGL transceiver has always relayed this data to Misterhouse. I was going to update my camera remote package for mh to actually control these bases, but it would appear that this feature is broken in the SDK. And why would the "sent" signals show up as received, despite the fact that they weren't sent at all? Weirder still, the "sent" signals only show up in the log sporadically. Just sent the same preset three times from the command line and it shows up as received twice. Send it four times and it will likely show up two or three. As mentioned, the camera hears none of this, but always hears the macros. (?!) I can send these commands a hundred times programmatically and nothing happens, walk into the garage and the camera starts turning my way (reacting to the macro.)
AHP macros with these "Video Functions" work every time. I have heard of people having problems with sendrf, but it works perfectly here (at least for standard X10 commands.)
I imagine it is the same story for the security keyfobs, remotes, etc. Seems like I saw a post that said X10 filters these from the data the SDK receives. The WGL with Misterhouse can receive these. How about this thing? You have to buy the plugin right? Be advised that any new X10 software is going to take years to get right (if ever.) Considering the little bits and pieces they make available with each new plugin, they are way overpriced.
Maybe the pricing is the whole key to this camera mystery: they don't want us to be able to send camera commands, better to sell us a plugin (one which doesn't help developers at all) for $60. The only other explanation for this hole in the SDK is incompetence (not a bad possibility considering the AHP software as a whole!) My bet is they short-circuited these commands in the SDK on purpose. Would have been nice to raise an exception so the calling program knows what is going on!