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Author Topic: Please answer a few (webcam) questions!!  (Read 12069 times)


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Please answer a few (webcam) questions!!
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:58:34 PM »

I bought x10 wireless cameras and my dsl messed with it so I bought the wired (nightwatch b/w) I have three.I'm still putting the cameras up and I'm have problems with that soooooooooooooo.My question is that I've been reading these pages and I'm afraid to install the software on My pc that is supposed to allow Me to view the cameras and record and view from the web.
   Is this stuff just a waste of my time and money.x10 was great about getting Me new cameras and my card was credited back quickly so no problem there but other folks are saying that the software is causing crashes and just never works.
 Can i get an honest answer from You guys if this stuff will work!!
 Please,any help would be great,I like to tinker but I'm no programmer nor do I have the time to want to have to learn to be one!!!! ??? ???


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Re: Please answer a few (webcam) questions!!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 10:45:59 PM »

You don't state which software you have!
Some software works better then others each has its own unique glitches most of which (if not all) can be fixed if your willing to tinker! ;)
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Re: Please answer a few (webcam) questions!!
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 11:48:49 PM »

like I said I haven't installed any of this yet but it looks like I have:
 xray vision software;x10-com download(what does this do?)
 activehome pro ( i think this is to let me turn on lights and such)
 smart macro for activehome (same as above,setting time,etc.)
 iWatchout mod for activehome (what does this do?)
 myhouse online mod for activehome (this would be one that i want to work so i can see from the office)
   Basically I called  (x10)after We had a break in and said I wanted a security system ( got that and have it working,i am happy with it!!!) They had gotten into the cars so I said I wanted to be able to view and record and they set Me up with cameras .As before the wireless didn't work for Me but I'm fine with running wires,it's been fun,I'm just going to have to add wire and such equals more money and if the software will not work I don't want to do it. I can go to Sam's Club and for about what I've spent get a set up that has a monitor and 4 cameras (nightvision) that will for sure work I just can't view it online.
  I'm not afraid to learn or alittle hard work,just don't want to screw up the home pc or my laptop with this software


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Re: Please answer a few (webcam) questions!!
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 02:08:51 PM »

OK looks like you have a good collection of software the ActiveHome Pro software is the main software the Smartmacros, Iwatchout(iwitness cam plug-in they renamed it for some reason) and Myhouse are all plug-ins for ActiveHome Pro
You don't need to use X10 cams in order to do what you want you can used other cams such as those from Sams club and you may be more satisfied with the picture from them!
You should have no major problems but you will need to tinker in order to get a system that is close to 100% reliable!
You won't need xray vision if you use the other software
x10download is where you download your software from.
Note: Walmart sells some night vision cams (ASTAK) at about $50 that have a better pic then the night vision X10 cam need less light and they are color!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 02:11:03 PM by Tuicemen »
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