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Author Topic: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations  (Read 18785 times)

Chris S.

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Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:38:54 PM »

AHP 3.203
A number of posts have been made concerning problems with Video Recording,
either Video cut short, zero length Video files or AHP crashing during Video record.

Reference Post:

One of the posts that I had made has some screen shots of the errors identifying the
module: iccvid.dll which I believe is the default codec used by AHP under
Preferences / Video Settings - "Cinepak Codec by Radius"
with this configuration I had to add a 1:30 delay in my macro after the Camera was turned off
to allow for the codec to complete it's processing on the Video File.
And there were times when 1:30 seconds was not enough of a delay.

Otherwise, as some of us have seen, we either get a zero length file or AHP will crash if
the Macro to Video record is initiated prior to the previous files completion.

I did try selecting other Codecs, but noticed after I saved and went back in,
that the default codec "Cinepak Codec by Radius" was still selected.

I figured that any other codec that did not stick, was either not valid or not supported by AHP.
Do not select the "TechSmith Screen Capture Codec"
If you do, when Video recording initiates, you will get a neverending popup that you must go to some
website and download/install the updated version.
This popup will not go away, I had to hard-boot my laptop.

I did try the "DivX 6.2.5 Codec (1 Logical CPU)"
My first test was for resolution and also time for codec completion on the Video File.
The resolution was fine (not as good as the Cinepak, but when panning the camera during
the Video record, a lot of garbled video was produced.
If the Camera remains stationary, the picture is fine.

The DivX Codec took only 12 - 15 seconds after the Video recording stopped
to finish the processing on the file. A lot better than 1:30.

So I'll try this Codec for a while to see how well it works.
Still looking forward to the next update.

And thanks Mystyx for prompting me to look into the Codec issue a bit more.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2006, 08:52:38 PM by Chris S. »

Chris S.

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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 02:39:13 PM »

Well, my tests failed using the DivX Codec,
I have a multitude of zero length files.

Back to the CinePak.

Looking forward to the next update, hoping that it will resolve the video record issues.


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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 07:58:05 PM »

figure anymore?  Idont do the tilting stuff so no issue there.  do you recommend the codec you last posted still?  I almost have a good system, allowing 40 seconds to finish before allowing another save.  thanks


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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 08:01:29 PM »

where did you find the divX codec?  it is not in my list under tools/video pull down.

Chris S.

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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2006, 01:53:52 AM »

I noticed that when using the DivX Codec, the files lengths are shorter (smaller) than
using the standard Codec.

You might find the download here, or you can Google it.



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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2006, 01:20:46 PM »

So far I have had the best luck with the best consistancy using the codec
  Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2
  using the standard setting of 8 key frames, comp=75 and Data Rate 3000

  My videos are a little jumpy.  I've tried other settings such as 15, 30 key frames, comp=10,50 but the video does not seem any better.  And what is worse is that the files are created at random. The first one usually contains about 30 sec of video followed by several files of less than one second.

Any recommendations on the best settings to use to get the best picture.

Also, I have the Resolution=640x480,  quality=100%, frame rate=30
  am I accomplishing anything With overkill on some settings?


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Re: Codec problems with video capture - Some observations
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2007, 07:34:31 AM »

I'd like to get here to try some other codecs...  however, any time I click ANY of the video tabs (last 4) under Preferences, AHP abruptly crashes.  Has anyone else had this happen?
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