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Author Topic: iWitness Live Video  (Read 9106 times)


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iWitness Live Video
« on: August 22, 2007, 07:16:40 PM »

I have a QUAD 4 camera Nightwatch 2 system.  From within Active Pro I select Go Live for video recording.  The cameras show video and everything works fine for awhile and then the video go black.  I.E. The system continues to record, but no LIVE video.  I have had it work anywhere from 5 minutes to a couple hours, but somewhere along the line video goes black.

To get back to Live Video I have to once again select Go Live from within AHP.

The system is XP PRO and a robust platform.  I leave the system logged in and only turn off the monitor leaving APH up and running with video displaying.

Any recommendations?

HA Dave

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Re: iWitness Live Video
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 08:42:00 PM »

The system continues to record, but no LIVE video.

No expert here.... but it sounds like the video card or DRAM.
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Re: iWitness Live Video
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 07:13:48 AM »

Negative, we are only talking about the iwitness video feed here.  To further explain the video split monitoring continues as does rcoring.  The problem is that the picture coming in from the cameras goes out leaving the system to record a blank (black) video feed.

System video works fine and RAM 2Gb is not a problem either.


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Re: iWitness Live Video
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 07:33:59 AM »

Is something causing the camera to turn off? Might something be sending an "off" command to that camera?
If it is triggered by a motion detector, then perhaps when it sends the "off" command after motion stops, it turns the camera off. AHP doesn't know what's coming in through the VA11A, it just knows when you tell it to record, and when you tell it to stop.
You can verify what's going on by splitting the video output from the camera off to a TV or VCR, and monitoring it at the same time.


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Re: iWitness Live Video
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2007, 08:25:43 AM »


That is where the problem is.  I have a Quad system with 4 cameras plugged directly into them.  The Quad module goes into VA11A into the PC.  The system is not using a motion detector.   WIthin AHP I have the camera setup without any timers at this point.  In other words it is meant to run 24/7. 

I understand that AHP only captures and recirds what it is receiving.  Here is an idea of the exact process I have been following:

1.  Within AHP I select Go LIve on the camera to start the feed
2.  It starts recording
3.  Somewhere along the line the camera feed goes dead (no power loss to the Quad or cameras)
4.  Recording is still working, recording basically nothing
5.  When I go back to AHP I press Go Live and once again the camera feed starts working
6.  I don't reset anything else, the Quad and cameras are left alone.
7.  The cycle will start over again without any exact or relative timing pattern
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