I realize my initial response my not be in the spirit of "community" but the attitude, arrogance is really what it is, that irks me about this is people (in general
) that want to change "my world" simply because they have a different view point. We have all seen the effects of this in our school system, our jobs, our court system and many other areas. Somebody gets a hair up their butt then crusades to change it so everyone has to encounter the SAME THING.. These same people expect companies and government to take away all the "BAD" influences in the community so their children don't get exposed to alcohol or bad language or bad neighborhoods or what ever NORMAL variations their are that make the world go round. I may be crazy but I would not want to live in a world where everything is GREY or like wise black and white according to one group of people.. I mean isn't that what started this country, peoples desire to not live under a dictatorship?
As a parent I actually raised my daughter to take responsibility for these things in our home..I don't expect her school or employer or the city counsel or the local or federal government to do it for me. That's part of the problem these people are so busy trying to police everyone they are not taking care of business right in their OWN home. Which is where all this crap belongs.
Seriously though I mean where does this type of thinking end, lets see there is a adult store on my way to work and when I drive by it I'm tempted..hmmm let me think about this..lets see,.. change my route if it bothers me or start a petition in the community to have it shut down.. Lets go one further and more general...I get fat when I eat at McDonald's to much but there is one just down the street from me...hmmm maybe I should ask them, out of arrogance, to change the way they do business because I don't have the self control to eat 2 double cheeseburgers instead of 4 or 5. Next on to the grocery store.."hey! you guys are gonna have to do something about this god for saken bakery, I mean seriously, every time I come in here and smell baked goods I'm tempted to eat some, what the h#$@ are you trying to do?"
And how about closer to home; Tuicemen...um seriously dude I'm really trying to loose weight could you please change your avatar because every time I see it I am really tempted to eat a handfull of M-n-M's...Please?.. (that's a joke)
OK I think that did it for me its out of my system..It just really struck a nerve with me (obviously) My point is that on the other side of the argument, any argument, is someone that has just as much right to have their opinion as you do and its just as important as yours and that is the true spirit of community.