No, you are not the only experiencing works OFF, but not on. My problem, however, is a little more selective.
Using AHP ver 3.204 and CMA15 with Tools | Preferences | ActiveHome Pro | Multiple Modules can use same address enabled, I have three lamp modules all set to N3. One module controls the Christmas tree, one the Fireplace mantel lights, and one the Nativity set. They are all on the same circuit in my house. As with you, all the modules espond both On and OFF using the icon in the Room. Originally, I had a timer tied directly to the module that would turn them on at 16:00 and of at 23:45. The timer would fire, but only the Cristmas tree would come ON. The other two would not light. All would turn OFF just fine. Last night, I redid the lighting scheme using macros and a timer that triggers a phantom module addressed as M4. Same result, all N# modules turn OFF as scheduled, but only the Christmas tee turns ON.