......................... Running both on same computer...................................
Ideas to get both to communicate without one overriding the other?
"both running on same computer" I assume you mean:
both the AHP and Video software is running on the same computer.
The motion sensors you mention, are they the typical Active or EagleEye or the hardwired floodLight or floodCam?
The reason I ask.. is the RF for the little battery powered sensors is 310MHz while the Video sender/receivers use 2.4Ghz. Those aren't likely to have any effect on each other.
However.... Having a computer sharing a circuit with the AHP can be undesirable do to the noise a PC can put on the line. One more little device... even the transformer from the video receiver.. could be enough to cause a problem.
If your using wireless motion sensors: Search here about increasing the range of the CM15A.
My favorite idea is simply wire-tie a piece of coathanger wire to the plastic antenna of the CM15A. Computer monitors can also generate a good deal of RF interference (as does many PC's)... test the set-up with the monitor off. Also moving the CM15A further from the PC can be helpful. You can do use a USB extention to relocate the CM15A.
If your using wired motion sensors: Filter the computer (search X10 filters) and/or map your circuits. You may find the area where you have your set-up has more than one circuit available.