For many years, I used the Active Home interface that preceeded CM15A with no troubles. After I switched to Vista, the previous software would not work. This week I got my CM15A and new software and I can't get it to work. I only have two light modules and two wall switches that control outside lighting. None of them operate with the new software and interface. After reading dozens of emails, I tried the following:
- Concerned about the "split phase issue," I turned on our 240 volt two phase clothes dryer by that had no effect.
- I have GE CFLs in my kitchen and family room. I turned all of them off and tried to turn on the modules from the computer but they still did not work. At the time of this experiment, the only electrical device in operation was my computer.
- I brought one of the lamp modules to the outlet where the interface is located. This module then worked properly.
I have read much of Jeff Volp's information. I am not interested in buying the signal meter or investing hundreds in filters.
Does any one have suggestions for my simple system? I would be willing to buy a few more devices if they were highly likely to solve my problem.
I have always liked the X10 equipment and hate to scrap it.