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Author Topic: Overall Problems  (Read 4052 times)


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Overall Problems
« on: May 30, 2008, 04:41:48 PM »

I'm questioning my decision to buy this product.  I have the DS7000 console and have 1 motion detector and 3 door window sensors attached.  The first couple of days, all was going and working well.  Today when opening the door, the light on the sensor flashed, however, it did not trip the alarm.  Then the other doors started having the same problem.  I continue to mess with it to see if I could figure out the problem.  The light on the sensor is always flashing, however, it does not always send a signal to the base.  Also, when it does trip (door chime) the light stays on after the door is closed.  I also noticed I have to hit the arm button a few times on the home remote to arm the alarm.  It seems to me the base is not receiving the signal all the time.  The base is centrally located and I cant think of anything that would be interfering.  I read through many of the posts trying to find a solution with no avail.  Ive tried changing batteries and using different sensors.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Overall Problems
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 07:17:35 PM »

Hi Mack12003 and welcome to the forums.

If you have to hit ARM more than once and are in range of the console something is obviously seriously wrong.  Does the system arm properly when armed at the console?  If yes, I would change the batteries in the handheld with "new ones from the store" and test.  Even new batteries can be a problem sometimes.

As far as the light staying on you want to ensure the contacts on the sensors are not too far apart so they register correctly everytime.   Also you may have a signal issue depending on how far away the console is from the sensors and what type construction your house is.  I had to initially relocate my consoles because it could not properly report 2 of my sensors.  I also added a signal repeater since I have 30 sensors monitored by AHP and 2 consoles.

If these do not resolve the problems I would consider contacting X10 for replacement.


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Re: Overall Problems
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 08:57:12 AM »

I've tried changing all the batteries and that didn't make a difference.  I haven't put sensors on all my windows yet, so the only area I have them are in my main living area.  I have the base in the same room as where I have all the sensors right now.  The one sensor is probably 6 feet away from the base and I was even having problems with that one.  Ive tried resetting everything and reinstalled all the sensors.  My house is not very big so I don't think its a problem with range.  Thank you for the quick response.  I'm going to keep my eye on the system and if I can't get things working properly, I'll see about getting it replaced.
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