Since a few weeks I'm using a CM15Pro (EU model, CM15A is equivalent USA model). AHP version 3.227.
Amongs others, I'm controlling 11 blinds (via SW10 modules) via extended code type 0. Everything goes fine, I can position the blinds quite reliably.
I'm using command bytes
- "0x03" to position any individual blind (with data byte value ranging from 0x00 to 0x19)
- "0x04" to fully open all blinds (value of the data byte not relevant)
- "0x0b" to fully close all blinds (same)
I have some questions:
1) in the activity log I see from time to time a "Transmit Bx Extended Code 3 3b" command, with x ranging from 1 to 11 in sequence (11 blinds = 11 transmits taking about 1 second each). The command byte is 0x3b, the data byte 0x03. The x10 extended code documentation says
x x x x x x C1 C0 3 B CONFIGURE MODULES (this HC )
Automatic ACK for messages that alter O/P state of unit.
but this is chinese to me... What is the O/P state ? What is there to auto acknowledge ? What triggers AHP to send these ?
2) does anybody know what the command byte values "1" (same as "3" but ENABLE sun protection) and "2" (quote: "limit the degree of opening to the value in the data field") will do ? Not that I miss anything - but I'm curious. I'm also puzzled about the mention "sun protection" in the x10 extended code doc.
3) same question for the self test command byte values "E" and "F" do ?? I don't dare to test these out as I don't want to spoil the fun (aka: get in to marital problems).
For your info: I'm using (currently rather trying to use) modified MS13's (aka Eagle Eye) to differentiate between sunshine and clouds. If anybody is into the same research or has another solution I'll be happy to exchange info and experiences. Ideally I'd be looking for a module that can tell me the approx luminosity reading in lux...