I just purchased a package of sensors, modules detectors and console. I'm having a problem with my Voice Dialer Console PS561 because it will not armed, so I call Tech support and let them diagnose/troubleshoot the problem.
It was determined that the console is defective, so they told me that they are sending me an RMA (return mercahndise approval) via email to return the defective merchandise, and that 's fine & dandy.
But wait, after I received my RMA, I read the instructions but to my surprise it says that I have to PAY to send it back to Las Vegas , NV what? you send me a defective merchandise and now you are asking me to PAY to get it back to you that's a bunch of BS.
I called customer service and guess what (after a long wait on the line), this guy told me that, that's the company's policy on return merchandise and there's nothing he can do about it.
I said I would understand that if I ordered and changed my mind and return it, yes I'll have to pay to return the merchandise and it's standard in the retail/wholesale business- but for me to PAY to return a defective product that's pure BS
I asked that I talk to a supervisor and was told that the supervisor is on the phone (the usual stalling strategy #1) and will call me.
After 3 hours, no phone call from supervisor I called back and was told that the supervisor has an emergency and need to leave early (strategy #2). This time I'm raising hell and ask who's next supervisor in line- this gal on the line is more understanding than the first guy and she calm me down- she going to send me an authorization showing that I'm not PAYING for sending the defective product back
MORAL OF TGHE STORY: Raise hell if you are right- don't just accept "it's company's policy crap"- YOU NEED TO PRESS ON to get what's fair