Hi all! Got my stuff yesterday, activehome pro, a lamp module, a pair of socket rockets, a tm751 transciever, and a bunch of security stuff and a powerhorn.
Want to control all this with my always on media center / home server / pc / etc.
Hurriedly opened the box, ran upstairs, installed software, plugged in my cm15a, and followed the instructions! Step one, plug lamp module into wall, (Housecode a1), plug in lamp, then flip the switch on screen! Flipped.... Nothing. Oh. Flip flip flip flip. Nothing. OOHHHhhh.
Ok, I thought, phase problem, so I moved it to a different room. Nothing. Another room. Nothing. Damn. Same room that the cm15a is in. Nothing.
Well, that cant be normal. I skipped that part of setup, and tried adding some of my security stuff, followed the on screen instructions, no problem. Detected and worked. Plugged in my tm751, and can turn whatever is plugged into that on and off, no problem!
Seems I cant control anything through the powerline! Is there anyway to test for powerline signals? Any way to test quality? Etc? Help!