Hello Everyone,
I've been using these products since the CM11. After several years of service, my CM11 finally died, and I upgraded to the newer CM15A and AHP software. Everything worked great out of the box. I ended up purchasing a number of additional sensors and switches and set everything up in my second home with a series of macros and timers to convince the neighbors that I was there all of the time. A few months back, I noticed that things weren't working properly, and this week, it seems that the CM15A can no longer send instructions to any of my switches. It still receives signals and can determine when a light is turned on or off, but it won't activate any of my X10 switches. The device is barely 2 years old, and naturally, I didn't purchase the extended warranty. Just some questions...
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Do we think a power surge may have finally killed it?
Are there any other secret tricks that I need to try?
I went ahead and ordered another, but it would be great to not have to purchase a new device.