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Author Topic: Programming the PH508 siren on the LYNXR-EN System  (Read 6573 times)


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Programming the PH508 siren on the LYNXR-EN System
« on: October 06, 2008, 05:08:32 PM »

Well, im trying to program three different PH508 power horns to my Lynxr-en system. Heres what I did:

First I only pluged in one horn to program it and see if it would work

Steps used
1) Installer code plus 800, the I pressed *80.
2) Pressed 1 to enter mode
3) Device number, I entered as 07 (not really sure on this one i think its here were I messed up,)
I entered 07 because i read that device numbers 07 and 08 are assigned to power bells)
4) Device action was option 3 Pulse on and off
5) Start event type: Option 1 Alarm
6) Start zone list: option 0 (not used for this device)
7) Start zone type: 33 (any alarm except zt 08)
8 stop zone list: 0 (option not used for this device)
9) stop zone type  22: disarm

Well, I tripped the alarm and the power horn did not go off so obviously I messed up somewhere.

Right now my unit number on hte horn is set to 7 as i used 7 while programming it and the house code on my lynx is set to P jsut like it is on my Horn and it wont sound.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 06:04:15 PM by Markpojo »
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